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Intercultural Communication: Short Stories
Intercultural Communication: Short Stories Comics written in English that depicted intercultural communication served as a textbook and a vehicle for imparting cultural knowledge to students. Exposure to alternative beliefs, values, and modes of expression is an edifying and captivating experience that challenges conventional wisdom. Visual aids function as a means of communication that fosters interpersonal…
*Harga Hubungi CSTraditional Sports: Stories From Indonesia
Traditional Sports: Stories From Indonesia This book is part of a series on English for physical education and sports that we have written to provide readers with the knowledge they need to comprehend traditional sports stories from Indonesia in greater depth. This book is displayed in comic book format to engage readers. Diverse stories concerning…
*Harga Hubungi CSStories of Intercultural Communication
Stories of Intercultural Communication There are three foundations for understanding the effectiveness and significance of using comics as learning media: the evolution of educational approaches, the cognitive aspects of learning through visual narratives, and the potential impact of comics on knowledge acquisition. Comics can be an interesting and effective medium in teaching about cross culture…
*Harga Hubungi CS